Electrical Wire Enclosure: Where Do You Need Them?


There’s a high chance you just finished wiring some sensitive applications without knowing how to protect them from external forces. So, while most people turn to junction boxes, there’s another solution: An electrical wire enclosure.

But what are wire enclosures? And how are they different from junction boxes? This article will explore electrical wire enclosures and explain why it’s different from junction boxes.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Table of Contents

What are Electrical Wire Enclosures?

Enclosure on concrete wall

Enclosure on concrete wall

In truth, many things can go wrong with sensitive wiring. So, it makes sense to have some protection. And that’s where enclosures are helpful. Further, electric wire enclosures are cabinet-type boxes with designs that secure electrical equipment and serve as a safety mechanism—often preventing you from getting electrocuted.

Also, manufacturers build each wire enclosure with environmental and safety protection as a priority. As a result, these cabinet-like units are ideal for electrical components, even in the harshest marine conditions.

In addition, electrical wire enclosures offer protection from wind, chemicals, dust, and other potentially harmful substances. Typically, manufacturers fully waterproof them and apply continuous gaskets made from polyurethane foam, guaranteeing optimal integrity.

The bottom line? Enclosures are the ideal way to protect sensitive wiring while upgrading your entire application’s safety. 

Where do You Need Electrical Wire Enclosures?

Two engineers working on an enclosure

Two engineers working on an enclosure

As stated earlier, you’ll need enclosures for sensitive equipment or connection points requiring a higher protection level. Hence, you’ll find this device in electrical and engine rooms with various critical wiring connections. 

Electrical Wire Enclosure vs. Junction Box: What’s the Difference?

A junction box

A junction box

While there are several differences between electrical wire enclosures and junction boxes, size is the most noticeable. Usually, junction boxes have smaller designs (like 5”x5”), making them perfect for applications with fewer sensitive connections.

On the other hand, enclosures are large and can size up to 18”x16.” In addition, you can access different enclosure cover styles, like screws, hinge with screws, and hinge with latch covers.

Also, you can get junction boxes with translucent covers, increasing your visibility.

Moreover, you can still opt for opaque surfaces if your application doesn’t require see-through features. Unfortunately, electrical wire enclosures do not have this option.

How do You Choose the Right Enclosure?

You don’t need to make several considerations before choosing your electrical wire enclosure. Why? Because you only need to know the size of your application. 

Once you have the information on your installation space’s size and the components going into the box, all that would remain is picking the enclosure.

For instance, let’s assume that your electrical components will fit into an 8”x8” space, and your installation area is about 12”x10.” Typically, your go-to size would be a 10”x8” enclosure. Then, you’d have enough room to move your connections when needed.

Note: We recommend avoiding tightly packed connections in an enclosure. It would stress the connectors and terminals, leaving them volatile.

What Safety Features can You get from Enclosures?

First off, electrical wire enclosures have environmentally sealed designs, helping to prevent fire accidents—if one starts inside the box. Since the enclosure’s nature reduces the risk of fire spreading, you can rest assured that lives and other valuables will remain safe.

Also, enclosures are incredibly durable and high-quality. So despite enclosures hosting critical wiring, you won’t get electric shocks if you accidentally touch them or bump into the box.

Rounding Up

Electrical wire enclosures are rigid and safe enough for housing sensitive connection points. In addition, they can handle the harshest marine conditions, with designs shielding components from dust, wind, water, chemicals, and temperatures.

Even if you don’t have a durable surface to install enclosures, aluminum mounting plates are your go-to solution. After all, they’re as tough as enclosures and can handle environments with high chances of corrosion.

Do you have more questions on this topic? Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.